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Medical Questions » Tracheitis
Name: Tracheitis
Also known as:
Infection of the trachea (windpipe), usually by viruses, but sometimes by bacteria.
Causes of Tracheitis
The infecting viruses or bacteria are inhaled from the breath of someone who has some form of respiratory tract infection (eg. common cold, bronchitis, sinusitis).
Symptoms of Tracheitis
Painful breathing, persistent dry cough, pain in the chest behind the upper end of the breast bone, fever and tiredness.
Tests for Tracheitis
None normally necessary.
Treatment for Tracheitis
Antibiotics can cure the condition if caused by bacteria, but viral infections can only be treated with aspirin and other anti-inflammatory medications, cough suppressants, and paracetamol for pain. In severe cases inhaled steroids may be used to settle the inflammation.
Complications of Tracheitis of its treatment
The infection may spread up to the throat to cause laryngitis, or down into the lungs to cause bronchitis.
Likely Outcome of Tracheitis
Bacterial infections settle rapidly with antibiotics, while viral infections may persist for two or more weeks before settling.
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