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Transfusion Reaction

Medical Questions » Transfusion Reaction
Name: Transfusion Reaction
Also known as:
Abnormal reaction to a blood transfusion. Most patients have no reaction at all.
Causes of Transfusion Reaction
It is necessary to cross-match blood before it is given to a patient, so that the blood of the patient and the donor are compatible. There are four main blood groups (A, B, O, AB) that are further subdivided into those that are Rhesus negative and Rhesus positive. A person can therefore be one of eight different combination (ie. A+ or A-, 0+ or 0-, B+ or B-, AB+ or AB-). There are several dozen subgroups beyond this classification and usually these make no significant difference to the patient receiving the blood, but in some cases a transfusion reaction can occur if there is a very slight mismatch of the blood between one of these minor subgroups.
Symptoms of Transfusion Reaction
Most commonly only a raised temperature occurs. Other possible symptoms include muscle pains, headaches, and shortness of breath. Very rarely do symptoms become worse than this.
Tests for Transfusion Reaction
None normally necessary.
Treatment for Transfusion Reaction
Often none required, but in more severe cases aspirin, antihistamines or steroids may be necessary.
Complications of Transfusion Reaction of its treatment
Very rarely a severe reaction may permanently damage organs or be life threatening.
Likely Outcome of Transfusion Reaction
Recovery within a few hours or days usual.
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