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Varicose Veins

Medical Questions » Varicose Veins
Name: Varicose Veins
Also known as:
Over dilation of the superficial veins in the legs. Two networks of veins in the legs move the blood from the feet back to the heart. One is deep inside the muscles of the calf and thigh, the other is outside the muscles and just under the skin (superficial).
Causes of Varicose Veins
Contraction of muscles in the leg squeezes the veins, and with the aid of one-way valves scattered through the venous network, the blood is steadily pushed back towards the heart. Pregnancy (because the growing baby puts pressure on veins in the pelvis) and prolonged standing (eg. hairdressing, shop assistant) make it difficult for the blood to move up from the legs into the body and stretch the veins, which damages the one-way valves. The damaged valves allow more blood to remain in the veins, stretching them further. Reducing the amount of standing, wearing elastic support stockings and regularly exercising the muscles in the legs while standing may prevent varicose veins.
Symptoms of Varicose Veins
Tired, aching, swollen legs, with large, ugly, blue, knotted veins under blotchy, red and sometimes ulcerated skin.
Tests for Varicose Veins
None normally necessary.
Treatment for Varicose Veins
Tablets (eg. hydroxyethyl rutosides) can reduce the leg ache, but only surgical procedures can permanently remove the veins. Injections of a type of glue, diathermy (hot electric needle) or lasers may be used to destroy small, fine, spider-like networks of veins. Larger isolated veins can be removed one at a time by a ' nick and pick' procedure, with a small cut being made over each vein to allow its removal. Vein stripping involves removing most of the superficial veins on one side of the leg from the groin to the ankle.
Complications of Varicose Veins of its treatment
Rupture of a vein may cause severe bruising, or a cut will bleed profusely (treated by elevating the leg and applying compression).
Likely Outcome of Varicose Veins
No cure, but symptoms can usually be reduced. Surgery is successful in most patients, but does not prevent the development of new veins, and skin staining caused by the varicosities is usually permanent.
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