Medical Questions » Venereal Diseases (STD) Questions » Question No. 1017
Question:I have large white lumps on my penis. Are these genital warts? Is there any cream or lotion I can buy from the chemist?
Answer:What you are describing could be genital warts, or they could be cysts, dermatitis or any one of a number of other skin diseases. The skin diseases that occur on other parts of the body can occur just as readily on the skin of the penis. The only way to find out just what these spots are is to have them checked by a doctor. Far too many patients, both male and female, are embarrassed about showing certain parts of their anatomy to a doctor. As a result, they worry for weeks or months on end about something that may be easily cured, or they may be delaying treatment for a condition that could be quite serious. Doctors are very used to seeing all parts of the body, and they will not be offended by what you show or tell them. If these spots are genital warts, the best treatment is to have them properly removed by your doctor, because if they are left, they will enlarge and spread. Do not try to treat them with chemist preparations without obtaining a correct diagnosis.
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