Medical Questions » Heart Questions » Question No. 1315
Question:My husband has been prescribed aspirin every day because he' s got heart disease. Are there any alternatives?
Answer:A Aspirin is widely prescribed to people who have heart disease because it thins the blood, but a study published in the British Medical Journal showed it could actually be dangerous. It found that men with high blood pressure are at risk of possible serious bleeding when they take aspirin.

The alternatives (not to be taken in conjunction with aspirin but instead of it) are vitamin E and omega-3 fish oils. Both have proven more effective than aspirin. A study at the University of Cambridge showed that 400mg of vitamin E cuts the risk of a heart attack by 75 per cent - that' s four times better than aspirin, although not all other studies have confirmed this result. Omega-3 fish oils lower cholesterol, thin the blood and reduce Risk of a heart attack.Irecommendtaking400mg(600iu) of vitamin E and omega-3-rich fish oil, giving the equivalent of 500mg of combined EPA, the highly beneficial omega-3 fatty acid. Diet-wise, make sure your husband is eating plenty of fish, nuts and seeds, all sources of essential fats; fresh fruits and vegetables; and garlic.

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