Medical Questions » Epilepsy Questions » Question No. 322
Question: | I get flashes of black or clear spots or shapes in my eyes. My vision is still perfect. Any suggestions? |
Answer: | I have several suggestions as to the cause, but they will all end the same way— you must see a doctor!
The most likely cause is that you have a floater in your eye. This is a clump of cells floating in the fluid inside the eye. They can be quite annoying, and can be destroyed by laser treatment. The problem is what has caused the floatet?
The cells may have broken away for no serious reason, but it is possible that they are the first sign of significant eye problems. For this reason floaters must always be checked by an ophthalmologist (eye specialist).
Spots in your vision may also be due to migraines (and these are not always accompanied by a headache), a damaged retina (the light-sensitive layet of cells at the back of the eyeball), a cataract (cloudiness or damage to the lens in the eye), a deteriorating blood supply to the eye (for example after a stroke) or due to a tumour in or around the eye or the brain.
It is because there are so many possible nasty causes that it is essential to have an accurate diagnosis.