Medical Questions » Heart Questions » Question No. 499
Question:I am 63 years old and have recently been getting pains in my back at about heart height. Is this a cause for concern?
Answer:Pain in the back of the chest can be caused by local problems in the back, such as arthritis, but it may also be a sign of heart or lung disease. Depending upon the part of the heart affected, angina may sometimes be felt in the back. This is obviously a significant medical problem that must be dealt with by a doctor. Lung problems as varied as pleurisy, pneumonia and an embolus (blockage of an artery) may cause back pain, and these must also be effectively treated. Your problem may simply be a sprained muscle, but because it could be a serious problem, you should have a check-up with your general practitioner. It is far better to be reassured that nothing is wrong than miss a serious diagnosis that may have long-term consequences.
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