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Medical Questions » Bacteraemia
Name: Bacteraemia
Also known as:
Very common low grade bacterial infection of blood. More severe infections are termed septicemia (see separate entry).
Causes of Bacteraemia
May be associated with other serious illnesses such as leukemia, cancer and AIDS. Most spread from urinary, intestinal, lung or gall bladder infections. Many are very low grade and persistent. Almost any type of bacteria may be responsible.
Symptoms of Bacteraemia
Fever, chills and rapid breathing. Some patients have a normal, or even low, temperature.
Tests for Bacteraemia
Abnormal white blood cell levels. Responsible bacteria can be cultured from the blood and identified.
Treatment for Bacteraemia
Treat underlying disease if possible, and appropriate antibiotics.
Complications of Bacteraemia of its treatment
Infection may spread to other organs, or worsen into septicemia.
Likely Outcome of Bacteraemia
Most recover well with treatment, but more serious in those with significant underlying disease.
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