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Medical Questions » Dislocation
Name: Dislocation
Also known as:
A dislocation occurs when the surfaces of a joint are totally displaced, one from the other. If there is partial separation of the joint surfaces, it is a subluxation.
Causes of Dislocation
May be a birth defect (eg. congenital dislocation of the hips), due to a severe injury, or be a complication of severe arthritis in a joint. The following information applies only to dislocations caused by an injury.
Symptoms of Dislocation
The joint will be painful, swollen and difficult or impossible to move and the shape of the joint will be distorted.
Tests for Dislocation
Diagnosed by an X-ray.
Treatment for Dislocation
Treated by manipulating the bones of the joint back into their correct position as soon as possible while the patient is appropriately anesthetized. Immediately after the injury, this can sometimes be done quite easily as the damaged muscles around the joint will not yet have gone into a spasm. Severely damaged ligaments and cartilages around a joint may need to be surgically repaired. Movement of the joint through its full range soon after correction of the dislocation, without putting it under any stress, is the best way of bringing a joint back to full recovery.
Complications of Dislocation of its treatment
Inevitably, cartilages and ligaments, and possibly muscles and tendons around a dislocated joint will be stretched, strained or torn by the dislocation. A dislocation can be associated with pinching a nerve or blood vessel, or the premature development of arthritis. Once dislocated, a joint may dislocate very easily in the future. A joint that dislocates repeatedly may require an operation to tighten the ligaments and muscles around it. A dislocation may also be associated with a fracture.
Likely Outcome of Dislocation
Depends on joint and cause of dislocation, but generally very good recovery occurs.
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