Medical Questions » AIDS Questions » Question No. 1045
Question:If an individual is infected with HIV, what is the future for them as there is no cure for HIV till now?
Answer:Certainly, the cure for HIV has not been established yet. But there are treatments or drug therapies which have helped in reducing the AIDS related deaths. Extensive research is going on to develop a vaccine to cure this.

Generally, HIV infection is a slow progressive disease. The time period in which it progresses to AIDS is dependent upon certain factors. It may take years for HIV to break down the immune system of the body and cause AIDS. HIV may progresses to AIDS within 10 years of HIV infection or less than that or more than that. The treatments or drug therapy includes certain type of drugs which decrease the growth of virus to a significant level resulting in delaying the progress of infection. Thus, they help in preventing the damage to body' s immune system and increasing the survival time for those diagnosed with AIDS. If a person diagnosed with AIDS does not undergo the drug therapy, he/she may die within a year.

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