Medical Questions » Arms Questions » Question No. 1075
Question:I fell on my wrist while I was to trying to clean the fan by standing on the stool. There is no swelling in my hand but I feel continuous pain in my wrist especially when I move it. Can some painkillers work? Please suggest.
Answer:As there is no swelling around your wrist, the chances of fractures are less. It seems that your wrist is strained.

Our wrist consists of 8 carpel bones and an intricate web of nerves and ligaments. Wrist sprain is very frequent injury to the ligaments around the wrist joint.

Ligaments are strong bands of tissue that attach bones to each other and help hold the structure firm and stable. When we fall, we tend to outstretch our hand to cushion our fall resulting in stretching of ligaments. Stretching or tearing of the ligaments supporting the wrist cause wrist strain which can be very painful.

If the tear is minor, wrist brace might work. If the tear is severe, you might need a surgery.

So, you should visit a doctor for your wrist pain. You also avoid activities around your wrist that can trigger a pain. Never take painkillers on your own without consulting a doctor.

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