Medical Questions » Anal Problems Questions » Question No. 1090
Question:I am 58 year old man suffering from fecal incontinence. Initially, it started with bowel accidents once in a while, but now it has become very frequent much to my embarrassment. I feel very ashamed to going to a doctor. I hardly go out in the fear of having bowel accident. I am leading a tremendously stressful life. Please help so that I can get back to my life.
Answer:Fecal incontinence is the inability of a person to control the bowels. After getting the feeling of bowel movement, person is not able to hold the bowels until he/she gets to the toilet. Sometimes, watery leakage of stool occurs, while passing gas.

Fecal incontinence affects adults as well as children also. It is especially more common in women and older people. Loss of bowel control occurs due to various reasons like constipation, diarrhea, damage to the anal sphincter muscles or damage to the nerves of the anal sphincter muscles or the rectum. When muscles are damaged, they are not strong enough to hold the stool and stool can leak out. In women, the damage may occur during child birth. The surgery of hemorrhoids may also damage the sphincter muscles.

You should consult a doctor as they understand the feelings associated with fecal incontinence. There are effective treatments available for fecal incontinence like medications, dietary change, bowel training or surgery. You should include a lot of fluid and fibrous food in your dietary intake. Surgery is the last option when nothing works out or there is some injury in the corresponding muscles.

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