Medical Questions » Alternative Medicine Questions » Question No. 1094
Question:Is opting for alternative medicine is safe? One of my friends went for homeopathy and got complete relief from his health problem. I am a chronic asthma patient and want a rescue from it.
Answer:It is not necessary that alternative medicine is always safe and provide cure for the particular disease.

Homeopathy treatments are based on “like cures like” rule. In homeopathy, they check the patient’s symptoms and then give the homeopathic medicine, whose treatment matches the symptoms exactly. The homeopathic medicine is extracted from various sources including animal sources and mineral sources. They are found efficacious for some health problem. The homeopathic medicine generally does not produce side effects, but it may produce adverse effects, if not taken properly.

Homeopathic treatment could not have been established significantly in curing the diseases and thus considered as treatment without any pharmacological effect given just to sooth and satisfy the patience.

You can go for a conventional method treatment for your asthma and can get a relief from it.

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