Medical Questions » Alternative Medicine Questions » Question No. 1098
Question:My sister is in depression since long. But, she doesn' t take the medicines regularly prescribed for her. Is their any alternative remedy for depression? Will it be effective in treating the depression?
Answer:Nowadays lots of people are suffering from depression. Mostly people do not take treatment or averse to talk to doctor for depression confining themselves in an aloof and panic situation. Depression is a serious illness and you need to consult the doctor and take proper medication. If a person takes the medication regularly, he/she might be treated from it.

There are alternative remedies available for depression but their efficacy is not established. Some of the alternative remedies are St. John' s wort, omega-3 fatty acids, Folic acid. But, they might not be very effective and may cause some side effects like nausea, bleeding etc. St John' s wort is not recommended for kids, pregnant or nursing women and people with bipolar disorder, kidney or liver disease.

So, you shouldn' t take any chance and try to convince your sister to take the proper medication in order to stay healthy.

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