Medical Questions » Anaesthetics Questions » Question No. 1103
Question:I am going for a surgery where I will need to take general anesthesia. What are the risks and complications associated with general anesthesia? I am very worried. Please advice.
Answer:Well, all types of anesthesia have some risks and complications. But, a serious side effect or problem is rare. The risk factor depends on various things like the person' s health, age, the type of surgery, the type of anesthesia, and the person' s response to it.

In case of general anesthesia, major side effect is not very common in healthy people. Since general anesthesia works on the whole body, it surely produces more side effects than local or regional anesthesia. But, the good part is that most of the side effects are minor and can be taken care of.

General anesthesia may cause aspiration, by suppressing the normal throat reflexes. Aspiration is the release of a strong burst of air when there is an obstruction like an object or liquid in the respiratory tract. An endotracheal (ET) tube may need to be inserted to prevent the aspiration, if the person is given general anesthesia. ET tube prevents the entrance of stomach substances into the lungs. Though aspiration is not very common, people are suggested not to drink or eat for a specific period before the anesthesia. So that the stomach could be empty and nothing will reach the lungs during surgery.

Moreover, the anesthesia specialist takes all the preventive measures to reduce any sort of risk. So, you need not to worry and can go for the surgery with calm mind.

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