Medical Questions » Children Questions » Question No. 1147
Question:My son keeps getting ear infections. What can i do about it?
Answer:It' s ironic that ear infections tend to recur fter a course of antibiotics which most doctors will recommend for them. In fact, a child is five times more likely to get another similar infection after taking antibiotics. So instead, I recommend seeking out and dealing with the root cause.

A common trigger for ear infections is an allergy to dairy products. This causes excess mucus to form in the ear, and block the Eustachian tube between the sinuses and the ears. Eventually this will lead to infection.

Try cutting milk, yoghurt, cheese, ice cream and anything else made with milk from your son' s diet. There are several alternatives to milk, including soya and rice milk. And there are also natural ways of warding off ear infections in their early stages. One is to ensure your son' s immune system is doing its job by giving him a good multivitamin that contains zinc; check the label. Dishes that contain onions and garlic, such as pasta sauces, are another excellent immune strengthener.

You can also get ear drops that are made from organic aloe or grapefruit seed extract. These can help when he has an infection.

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