Medical Questions » Babies Questions » Question No. 116
Question:Is it safe to heat a baby' s bottle in a microwave oven, or do they destroy the goodness in the milk?
Answer:Microwaves do not destroy the goodness of any food any more than heating in traditional ways. It is quite safe to heat a baby' s bottle (or any food or drink) in a microwave, and retain all its goodness and nutrition. Microwaves heat up food, and particularly liquids, very rapidly. The danger that can occur in using a microwave is the overheating (over cooking) of foods and drinks. If this occurs, some goodness is lost, as vital elements of nutrition (eg. some vitamins) may be broken down by the excessive heat. This also occurs if food is over-cooked in or on a traditional stove. Ensure that you know just how many seconds it takes to heat a certain volume of milk to just the required temperature (about 40 degrees centigrade, or roughly body temperature), and no more, and you will save yourself hours of time waiting for conventional heating methods to work. Microwaves are particularly valuable at 2 am when you have a screaming, hungry baby!
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