Medical Questions » Diet Questions » Question No. 1169
Question:Can you get all the nutrients you need from a well-balanced diet?
Answer:This is the greatest lie in nutrition today. Even if you consider the recommended daily allowances (RDAs) enough, over 90 per cent of people who think they eat a balanced diet fail to achieve these levels. For example, the RDA for zinc is 15mg and the average intake is 7.6mg. This is, in part, a consequence of today' s farming, food processing and storage, which leave much of our food depleted of nutrients.

If, however, you' re after optimum health that is, feeling great rather than OK and rarely getting sick, as opposed to merely avoiding deficiency diseases such as scurvy (which is what the RDAs are based on) - then think again. Modern life places extra demands on our bodies. Stress, pollution, medications, food additives, food processing all increase our need for nutrients. So if you' re up for boundless energy, sharp brain function and minimal illness, including reducing your risk of cancer, heart disease and other killers, supplementing a good diet with nutrients is essential. That' s why I recommend every body take at least a high strength multivitamin every day and an additional lg of vitamin C.

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