Medical Questions » Diet Questions » Question No. 1172
Question:What' s a good diet for me? I' m a teenage schoolgirl.
Answer:That depends a lot on your current health and lifestyle. Aside from following my recommendations for an optimal diet (see ' What are your basic guidelines for an optimally healthy diet?' , there are a few other points you might consider.

Ensuring your hormones are healthy involves eat- ing enough fat but the right kind. Less meat, dairy, fried food, damaged fats (in many processed foods), and more seeds, nuts, avocados and oily fish sar dines, mackerel, and organically farmed or wild salmon. Avoiding acne involves many things, but the vital elements are reducing sugar and junk food in your diet, drinking plenty of water and eating plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables to cleanse your system (see also ' My teenage son has acne.

Controlling your weight is not about skipping meals, but instead eating small amounts of healthy food regularly throughout the day - breakfast, lunch and dinner, with a fruit snack mid-morning and mid-afternoon. And exercising. This keeps your metabolic rate up, so you burn energy faster, whereas skipping meals or dieting slows it down and makes it much harder to lose weight.

These tips eating good fats, eating small meals frequently, plenty of fruit and vegetables, less sugar and junk food, and so on will also help your brain function well to get you through the stresses of school work.

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