Medical Questions » Diet Questions » Question No. 1184
Question:Is cholesterol bad for you?
Answer:This is one of the biggest, most lingering myths about diet, and it made eggs a four-letter word. What is often forgotten is that cholesterol is essential for good health - your brain contains it and it is used to make the sex hormones oestrogen, progesterone and testosterone.

What' s more, staying away from cholesterol-rich foods such as eggs does very little to reduce body cholesterol levels, as most of it is produced in the liver anyway.

The problem is not cholesterol as such, but damaged or oxidised cholesterol, because this can accumulate in the arteries.So two things are important here. Firstly, avoid eating oxidised cholesterol such as that found in fried food. A boiled egg is fme, but fried eggs and bacon are off the agenda - bad news for the classic British fryup. Secondly, a good intake of antioxidant nutrients such as vitamins A, C and E is important because they protect cholesterol in the body from being damaged.

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