Medical Questions » Diet Questions » Question No. 1193
Question:Are oranges the best food for vitamin C?
Answer:Although they' ve practically become synonymous with vitamin C, oranges aren' t actually the richest source. That honour goes to the Australian billy goat plum, which has been eaten by the Aboriginals for over 1,000 years. With over 100 times more vitamin C than an orange, the billy goat plum even exceeds another big contender, the acerola cherry.

A glass of acerola cherry juice provides a whopping 3,872mg of vitamin C, while a glass of orange juice contains 121mg and the juice of a lemon provides 83mg.

On a more practical note, when you' re out at the supermarket opt for kiwi fruits, strawberries, grapes, grapefruit, melons, pineapples and mangoes, all front runners in the vitamin C stakes. And' don' t pass the vegetable bins by. Top of the class are broccoli, peppers, Brussels sprouts, cauliflower, peas and asparagus.

Broccoli and peppers contain more vitamin C than oranges and kiwi fruit: a serving of broccoli provides 110mg, the equivalent of two oranges. But the hottest source of vitamin C is raw, hot chilli peppers - a cup of these provides 364mg!

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