Medical Questions » Diet Questions » Question No. 1233
Question:I' m a strict vegetarian. Are there any nutrients I' m missing out on?
Answer:The most obvious nutrient to watch out for is protein - many veggies either eat too little or rely heavily on cheese. So make sure you get two servings of soya produce, beans, lentils or eggs a day.

Eggs are also a great source of iron and other important nutrients. You need a good supply of essential fatty acids - for healthy brain, skin and hormones. While these are abundant in oily fish, flax seeds are also rich in them so I recommend a tablespoon of flax seeds or a dessertspoon of flax seed oil a day. If you do tend to be more vegan, also make sure you are having a good multivitamin that contains vitamin B12, as this is only really available in animal products.

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