Medical Questions » Feet Questions » Question No. 1243
Question:How can I get rid ofathlete' s foot?
Answer:Athlete' s foot is caused by a fungal infection, and can be treated with grapefruit seed extract, a very powerful natural anti-fungal available in liquid or capsule form. Put 10 to 15 drops of the extract in a basin of water and soak your feet for a few minutes. Alternatively, squeeze a few drops onto a damp piece of cotton wool and rub it over your feet.

This is the ideal solution for the occasional bout, but if you are getting athlete' s foot repeatedly and also suffer from bloating or lethargy, it is worth checking whether you have a more extensive fungal infection in your body. A nutritionist would be able to help you work out whether this is your problem. In the meantime, avoid sugary foods, as they tend to feed fungal infections.

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