Medical Questions » Stress Questions » Question No. 1285
Question:I get tired and low when I eat bread. Am I gluten sensitive?
Answer:You may well be. Tiredness, depression and digestive problems are the most common symptoms of gluten sensitivity. Also called coeliac disease, gluten sensitivity is far more common than most people realise. Recent research from Italy, where they have been randomly testing school children, show than 1 in 120 people are gluten sensitive.

Gluten is highest in wheat, although it is also present in rye, barley and oats. Some people, however, are sensitive to something in gluten called gliadin, which isn' t present in oats. Of course, let' s not jump to conclusions that you' re gluten sensitive. You might be allergic to wheat only, or may even react to the yeast in bread, not the wheat. How are you with beer? Many people react to brewer' s and bakers' yeast. The only sure way to find out is to get yourself tested.

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