Medical Questions » Nerves Questions » Question No. 1333
Question:Can nutrition help with motor neurone disease?
Answer:In motor neurone disease, motor cells in the brain and spinal cord progressively degenerate, hindering the sufferer' s ability to move, breathe, speak and swallow. There may be paralysis and muscle weakness. It is a serious condition, but it can almost certainly be helped by nutritional support.

Start with a hair mineral analysis to check for heavy metal toxicity -especially mercury - as this can destroy the myelin sheath around nerves that helps in the transmission of nerve impulses. It' s important to rule out this possibility, or detoxify if any are found to be present.

Otherwise, you' ll need to follow a diet that supports your nerves. Antioxidants disarm damaging free radicals in the body and may help, as they do with most degenerative diseases,so supplement an all-round antioxidant complex including A, C, E, beta-carotene, glutathione and anthocyanidins. Cut down on saturated, animal, fried and hydrogenated fats, and boost your intake of essential fats from seeds and their oils, and oily fish. These last are essential for brain and nerve health. They help rebuild the myelin sheath, which is composed largely of the same fatty acids, and so protect the nerves and boost brain cell communication. Another nutrient that sometimes produces excellent results is niacin (vitamin B3). However, you need 500mg twice a day and, at this amount, you' ll experience considerable blushing for 30 minutes afterwards. Thereare other important nutritional considerations, too; it is best to see a nutritional therapist to have a full health evaluation, for specific dietary and nutritional recommendations.

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