Medical Questions » Nose and Sinuses Questions » Question No. 1335
Question:Is there anything you can recommend to stop me from getting nosebleeds?
Answer:Nosebleeds are usually a sign of weak blood capillaries (the small blood vessels) in the lining of the nose. This could just be due to temporary pressure, say from blowing your nose a lot because of a cold; or it could be a sign that the capillaries throughout your body are not as strong as they should be.

To strengthen fragile capillaries, make sure you are getting plenty of bioflavonoids. These remarkable nutrients are found most abundantly in citrus fruits, berries, broccoli, cherries, red grapes, rosehips, papaya and tomatoes as well as tea and red wine. Bioflavonoids work best with vitamin C and are usually found in a blend, so go for a good complex.

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