Medical Questions » Travel Questions » Question No. 1406
Question:I often get sinus infections after long flights. How can I prevent this?
Answer:Air travel exposes you to a lot of potential infections. The first tip for avoiding sinus infections is to avoid eating any foods you may be allergic to for 24 hours before travelling, and also while you are travelling. As a rule of thumb, I' d avoid all dairy products, as these can cause excessive mucus pro-duction and thus contribute to sinus problems.

Secondly, I' d travel armed with a saline solution nasal spray, available in larger pharmacies. Spray each nostril once, then blow your nose, then spray again. Do this every hour or so. It not only keeps your sinuses clean, but also keeps them hydrated. Be sure to drink lots of water during the flight - at least a glass an hour.

The other method worth trying is to buy a face mask. These are available from the Aviation Health Institute and not only minimize the risk of infection, but cleanse the air you are breathing. Also, get a seat near the front: conditioned air circulates from the front to the back.

Finally, when you land, bump up your intake of vitamin C and have a meal with some garlic and spices to clear your sinus passages and give your immune system a boost. Wasabe (Japanese horse-radish paste) is excellent for this.

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