Medical Questions » Alternative Medicine Questions » Question No. 1422
Question:I' ve heard that certain mushrooms are very good for you. Which ones are they?
Answer:We' re only just catching on now to the wonders of mushrooms that have been used in Japan and China medicinally for millennia. In addition to providing a great balance of nutrients such as proteins, minerals and vitamins, certain mushrooms have been investigated for their medicinal properties in preventing and treating some of the deadliest and most insidious diseases of our day, such as cancer and AIDS. Compounds in such mushrooms as maitake, shiitake, reishi and ganoderma have been isolated, and shown by research to fundamentally boost immunity and to be strongly anti-bacterial and anti-viral. Shiitake mushrooms, for example, contain something called lentinan, which has been proven to boost your immune system.

You can buy extracts of these mushrooms in tablet or liquid form, but it' s probably best to eat the whole mushroom - that way, you' ll benefit from the natural synergy of all the compounds. Luckily, they' re as delicious as they are healthful. You can get fresh shiitake in most supermarkets. Otherwise, use dried ones from healthfood shops. Soak these in boiling water for 10 minutes and add (along with the strained soaking water) to soups, stir-fries, stews or risottos.

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