Medical Questions » Alternative Medicine Questions » Question No. 1425
Question:What' s your view on sceletium?
Answer:Sceletium is one of the most ancient of mind-altering herbs. Hunter-gatherer tribes have used this native South African creeper, also called kougoed, since prehistoric times. It lessens anxiety, stress and tension, raises spirits and enhances the sense of connection. Four hundred years of documented use by Dutch settlers have revealed no adverse effects, either. Psychiatrists have reported a wide range of positive uses for sceletium, from treating anxiety and depression to alleviating alcohol, cocaine and nicotine addiction. Sceletium has also been reported to enhance the experience of nature, increase the sensitivity of the skin and boost sexual arousal.

How does it work? Apart from being very rich in amino acids and minerals, the active constituents of the plant are alkaloids, including mesembrine, which enhances the activity of serotonin, the ' happy' neurotransmitter. It also appears to have a harmonizing and balancing effect on the other feel-good neurotransmitters. It has no reported toxicity, but should not be taken with antidepressants, and as it has not been studied in pregnant women, it would be wise to avoid it during pregnancy. There are no reported cases, but it' s theoretically possible that if taken with large amounts of tryptophan or 5-HTP, ' serotonin syndrome' - the symptoms of which are headache, higher body temperature and heavy sweating - could result.

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