Medical Questions » Sports Questions » Question No. 1460
Question:What can you recommend for eating and drinking during ultra distance endurance sports and during training sessions?
Answer:When you' re depleting your body' s resources through extreme exercise, you need something that will instantly replenish lost glucose, water and minerals to keep you going. PowerBars are excellent for a car-bohydrate fix (they also have a good ratio of protein to slow down energy release), or try Multipower pro-tein and energy bars. Zone bars are not bad either, apparently. These are available from most healthfood shops.

Two hours before events, you can also boost your glucose stores by eating lots of complex carbo-hydrates such as fruit, vegetables, wholegrains like wholemeal pasta or rye bread, and baked potatoes. But avoid sugar and refined carbohydrates - they may give you a rush but they will leave you more tired than you were before. Ensure you eat enough protein to repair muscles - at least half as much protein as carbohydrates at each meal and snack. So have nuts or seeds with fresh or dried fruit, rice with fish, tofu or lentils, and so on (the combinations are legion). Remember too that a demanding exercise regime generates more oxidants, so eat plenty of anti-oxidant-rich foods - go for fruit and vegetables in the orange, red and blue range, especially berries. Drink 1.5 to 2 litres of water at least, and supplement a high-strength multivitamin, 2g of extra vitamin C every day, and 5g of glutamine powder before bed to aid muscle recovery.

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