Medical Questions » Menopause Questions » Question No. 1482
Question:I am 43 years old and have not had a period for four months. Are there any nutritional guidelines for encouraging ovarian activity?
Answer:A There are many factors that can cause periods to stop. These include stress, inadequate nutrition (from dieting, not eating enough or following a diet high in nutrient-deficient foods) or pregnancy! If your periods don' t return within six months, you should visit your doctor for referral to a gynaecologist. But in the meantime, to help bring your body back into bal-ance, follow the advice below:

  • Check your weight - if you are significantly under- or overweight your periods can stop. Dieting can also have the same effect if you' re losing a lot of weight very quickly and are starving your body of essential nutrients.

  • Eat a wholefood diet rich in wholegrains such as brown rice, rye bread and oat cakes, fresh fruits and vegetables, lean meat, tofu, oily fish, nuts and seeds.

  • Supplement your diet with a good multivitamin and mineral supplement with good levels of zinc (15 to 20mg) and magnesium (375 to 500mg).

  • Also take a B-complex supplement. Choose one that contains good levels of all the B vitamins, including folic acid. Folic acid is absolutely crucial for your cells to multiply normally. When working on getting your periods back, it' s important that your ovaries are able to produce eggs, and that the cells in those eggs are able to divide properly.

  • The herb agnus castus is also useful for helping to bring hormones back into balance. It works on the pituitary gland by balancing the levels of FSH (follicle stimulating hormone) and LH (luteinising hormone), which then sends a message to the ovaries. The result is that progesterone levels go up and your cycle kicks back into action. This can take between three and six months. Try your local healthfood shop for this herb.
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