Medical Questions » Mental Health Questions » Question No. 1552
Question:Is there a link between mercury fillings and Alzheimer' s?
Answer:I think the mercury in fillings is a serious cause for concern in relation to Alzheimer' s and age-related memory loss. Autopsies of brains from Alzheimer' s patients, compared to control patients of the same age, have shown raised levels of mercury. Researchers from the University of Basel in Switzerland have also found high blood mercury-levels in Alzheirher' s patients, more than double those of the control groups, with early-onset Alzheimer' s patients having the highest mercury levels of all. Trace amounts of mercury can cause the type of damage to nerves that is characteristic of Alzheimer' s, according to recent research at the University of Calgary Faculty of Medicine in Canada, strongly suggesting that the small amounts we are exposed to, for example from amalgam fillings, may be contributing to memory loss.

Although research on the links between mercury and Alzheimer' s is in its infancy, it is certainly wise to reduce your exposure to this highly toxic metal. If you are experiencing significant decline in mental function, and have a mouth full of amalgam fillings, I' d recommend you seriously consider having them replaced.

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