Medical Questions » Hair Questions » Question No. 1607
Question:My hair grows very slowly. Any suggestions?
Answer:You may well just have a natural tendency to slower hair growth than most people. There are also other, external factors that affect the speed at which hair grows. One is sunlight, which revs up cellular division. This means that in the relatively gloomy winter, your hair tends to grow more slowly anyway (unless you head off to the Caribbean). Otherwise, you may be deficient in protein, zinc or B5, all of which affect hair growth. Make sure you' re getting enough high-quality protein (two servings a day), in the form of fish, lean chicken or soya. Zinc is found in meat, shellfish, eggs, wholegrains such as oats or rye, and nuts and seeds such as pumpkin and sunflower. And take a good multivitamin containing at least 15mg of zinc and 50mg of vitamin B5, plus other B vitamins.
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