Medical Questions » Stomach Questions » Question No. 1610
Question:I have stomach ulcers and take Zantac every day. What can I do?
Answer:There is plenty you can do nutritionally to prevent stomach ulcers, rather than simply relieving the symptoms. First get your doctor to check you for the bacterium Helicobacter pylori, which is the cause of many ulcers. If this is ruled out, think about what you' re eating. It' s largely a myth that stomach ulcers are caused by too much acid - the body is well designed to protect itself from its own digestive juices. The problem arises from eating and drinking foods that irritate the digestive tract, a condition which is then aggravated by stomach acid. So start by cutting back on likely irritants - alcohol, coffee, spicy foods or wheat. Reduce the amount of protein-rich foods (such as meat and cheese) you eat, as these are acidic. Vitamin A and glutamine are important for healing ulcers and omega-3-rich fish oils help reduce any inflammation. Chewing deglycyrrhirised liquorice tablets 20 minutes before a meal can also help to soothe ulcers.
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