Medical Questions » Contraception Questions » Question No. 220
Question:I am taking the contraceptive pill regularly, but do not get a period until I have been taking the white sugar pills for three days. Can you get pregnant while taking the pill if you have sex on one of the days you are taking the sugar pills?
Answer:It is quite normal for it to take two or three days before your period starts while on the inactive sugar pills. The reason you have a menstrual period when you start these inactive pills is because there is a sudden drop in sex hormone levels in your body, and the lining of the uterus (womb) which is nurtured by these hormones becomes unstable, breaks down and is flushed away by the blood of a period. Provided you are taking the active pills regularly, then you cannot ovulate or fall pregnant on the two or three days before your period while you are taking the inactive sugar pills.
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