Medical Questions » Alternative Medicine Questions » Question No. 27
Question:My GP and specialist can' t cure my problem, and I have heard of a naturopath who seems to be very good, but my doctors have both said it is a lot of rubbish. Do you think it is wise for me to seek a second opinion from a naturopath?
Answer:The biggest problems doctors face in dealing with naturopaths and other alternative therapists are their lack of supervised training, their exclusive dogma (everything can be cured by diet, herbs, vitamins etc.), their lack of diagnostic skill and the lack of any registration or accountability. The reason doctors do not cooperate with these people can be described by an analogy: When you fly in a commercial aircraft with a major airline, your life is in the hands of the pilot and his support staff. If a major airline decided to employ unqualified pilots, who had only a rudimentary knowledge of aviation, there would be a public outcry, and no-one would use that airline. If qualified pilots were asked to work with the unqualified ones, they would refuse, and resign rather than risk their passengers' lives. When patients put their lives in the hands of unqualified therapists, there is no hue and cry, and they complain that opposing doctors are being unfair.
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