Medical Questions » Female Problems Questions » Question No. 383
Question:I am 19 and have had three sexual relationships with men. Over the past few months I have had a thick white discharge from my vagina, and it is itchy and sore around that area. I am getting married in two months and am worried that I might have some sort of sexually transmitted disease, and I would feel embarrassed and dirty seeing a doctor about this. What can I do?
Answer:What you are describing is a typical case of vaginal thrush. Tight jeans, pantihose, the contraceptive pill, nylon bathers, antibiotics and sex are the common aggravating factors involved in catching this modern woman' s curse. Thrush, also known as candidiasis or moniliasis, is a fungal infection caused by a fungus called Candida albicans, which lives in the gut where it causes little or no trouble. Usually when it comes out on to the skin around the anus, it dies off; but if that skin is warm, moist and irritated, it can grow and spread forward to the lips of the vagina (the vulva). Entry of the fungus into the vagina from the skin outside is aided by the mechanical action of sex, and the alteration in the acidity of the vagina caused by the contraceptive pill. Once established, this fungus causes an unpleasant white vaginal discharge, intense itching of the vulva and surrounding skin, and often inflammation of the urine opening so that passing urine causes discomfort. You should see your doctor as soon as possible to confirm the diagnosis and obtain the correct treatment. Your fiance must also be treated with a cream, because although he may show no signs of the infection, it may be present under his foreskin, and he can give the thrush back to you after you have been successfully treated.
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