Medical Questions » Kidneys and Bladder Questions » Question No. 553
Question: | I have a dull pain in both sides of the side of my back. I pass very little urine during the day, but lots at night. I have had blood and urine tests and a kidney x-ray which are all normal. What couid this be? |
Answer: | Any pain in the loins at the side of your mid-back may be caused by a problem in the kidneys, but when it occurs on both sides, it is less likely, as usually only one kidney at a time is inflamed. If appropriate blood, urine and x-ray tests of the kidneys are normal, another cause for the pain must be sought.
Arthritis or other problems in the back can cause pressure on the nerves that run out from the back to surrounding tissues, and this may be the cause of pain in both loins. Other possible causes may be problems in the muscles, the gut or even the liver and spleen.
Passing excessive amounts of urine at night may be normal wirh aging, but may also be a symptom of other diseases such as diabetes, malfunctioning of the parathyroid glands in the neck, Addison' s disease and a number of other uncommon conditions.
Ask your doctot to look further to try and find the cause of your problem.