Medical Questions » Legs Questions » Question No. 574
Question:What is housemaid' s knee? My doctor tells me this is the cause of my swollen knee.
Answer:Water on the knee, or housemaid' s (do such people still exist?) knee is cause by the swelling and inflammation of the bursa on the front of the kneecap. Bursae are small sacs, rather like deflated balloons that are connected by a fine tube to the joint cavity. They secrete the essential synovial fluid which acts as an oil for the moving part of the joint. There are several of these around every joint. One of those supplying the knee is in front of the kneecap, and if it is damaged by kneeling on it for long periods, or in any other way, it will become painful and swollen. Treatment involves rest, avoiding kneeling and occasionally draining the excess fluid from the knee.
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