Medical Questions » Mouth and Throat Questions » Question No. 679
Question: | When I go for long runs to keep fit I get gum ulcers. These infections only occur a few days after a hard run. Can you explain this phenomenon for me? |
Answer: | Mouth ulcers are commonly caused at times when you are stressed or run down, and excessive exercise is obviously the trigger in your case.
In your mouth, billions of bacteria, viruses and fungi live in your saliva. Digestive enzymes are also present in saliva, which is secreted from glands under your tongue and at the angle of your jaw. These organisms are meant to be present, and actually assist in the process of digestion.
If you have a cold, other infection, more serious disease, or are under emotional or physical stress, your body' s immune system may be affected, as may the types of bacteria, viruses and fungi in your saliva. When these imbalances occur, instead of starting to digest your food as you chew it in your mouth, the various organisms and enzymes in the saliva start to digest the lining of your mouth to cause mouth ulcers.
The mouth ulcers can remain for days or weeks to cause discomfort and pain.