Medical Questions » Nose and Sinuses Questions » Question No. 742
Question:My sinuses are always full of gunk, that is absolutely foul. None of the medicines I have been prescribed work. I am absolutely fed up with having a thick head. What type of surgery could be done for my sinuses?
Answer:An antrostomy and turbinectomy is the technical name for an operation that involves drilling additional drain holes from the nose into the sinuses, and removing the curly bones (turbinates—look like a turban) that are inside your nose. People who have recurrent attacks of sinusitis often have small or poorly placed drainage holes from the sinuses, allowing them to fill up with foul phlegm. The turbinates are covered with a moist skin that is designed to warm and moisten the air as it enters the body, but these can swell up excessively to block die nose and the sinus drain holes. There are three turbinate bones in the top of each nostril, and normally only one or two are removed. The operation is done under general anaesthetic, has no serious complications and is often very successful in giving relief to sinus sufferers. Ask your GP to tefer you to an ear, nose and throat specialist, who will consider your problem, and its possible surgical solution.
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