Medical Questions » Pregnancy Questions » Question No. 804
Question:I am eight months pregnant, but I am worried that my beautiful breasts will be ruined if I feed my baby. Why is breast feeding better than bottle?
Answer:' BREAST FEEDING IS BEST' . This admonition features prominently on cans of infant formula and on advertising for breast milk substitutes in many third world countries, and there is little doubt that it is true. The advantages of breast feeding include the obvious convenience of avoiding the need to sterilise bottles and prepare formulas, but more significant is the advantages it gives the child in protecting it from some childhood infections, and stimulating the mother' s uterus to contract to its pre-pregnant size more rapidly. Being a cost-free food, it can also help the strained budget of a young couple. Breasr feeding does not necessarily mean that your breasts will become saggy or alter adversely. You will have to decide upon the relative benefits to your baby and yourself.
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