Medical Questions » Pregnancy Questions » Question No. 806
Question:I have been told that 1 will have to deliver my baby by Caesarean section. Can you tell me about this operation?
Answer:The operation is extremely safe to both mother and child. A light anaesthetic is given to the mother, and the baby is usually delivered within five minutes. The anaesthetic is then deepened while the longet and more complex task of repairing the womb and abdominal muscles is undertaken. In many cases, the scat of a Caesarean can be low and horizontal, below the bikini line, to avoid any disfigurement. The latest innovation is epidural anaesthesia, where a needle is placed in the middle of the mother' s back, and through this an anaesthetic is inttoduced. The woman is feels nothing below the waist, and although sedated, is quite awake and able to participate in the birth of her baby, seeing it only seconds after it is delivered by the surgeon. Some doctors and hospitals allow husbands to be present during these deliveries. Recovery from a Caesarean is slower than for normal childbirth, but most women leave hospital within ten days. It does not affect breast feeding, the chances of future pregnancies or increase the risk of miscarriage. If your doctor has recommended, or performed a Caesarean section for you, it will have been to ensure the safety of both you and your baby.
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