Medical Questions » Skin Questions » Question No. 873
Question:My six year old daughter has very sweaty hands, feet and armpits. At times her feet actually drip! What can be done?
Answer:Some people are born with overactive sweat glands or a greater number of these glands. This is an inherited characteristic, and is no different to some people having big noses and others small noses. There is nothing seriously wrong with your daughter, but it is obviously a nuisance. At net age, only the antiperspirants available from chemists can be used to control the problem. Those containing aluminium hexahydrate solution are the most successful. The most successful procedure for the sweaty armpit is an operation to remove most of the sweat glands in this area, and your daughter may wish to consider this later. Operations to cut the nerves causing the hands and feet to sweat are also available, bur are considered a last resort rather than a first choice.
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