Medical Questions » Syndrome Questions » Question No. 979
Question:I have had pins and needles in my arms for years on and off. Sometimes my arms really ache. It can' t be the arthritis my doctor says it is because I am only 28 years old. Do you have any ideas?
Answer:Naffziger syndrome, which has numerous other names including cervical rib syndrome, scalenus anticus syndrome and thoracic outlet obstruction, is the diagnosis that springs to mind. Patients with this problem have an additional rib present in lower neck above normal first rib. Nerves and arteries can be compressed between the extra cervical rib and the scalenus anticus muscle in the neck. This is a congenital (present since conception) problem. The syndrome causes abnormal pressure on ulnar nerve then pain and pins and needles sensation in the arm and hand, muscular weakness of small hand muscles, and altered sensation in the forearm and hands. In severe cases patients have cold blue hands, and reduced pulsation and blood flow in the radial and ulnar arteries in the arm. The diagnosis can be confirmed by an X-ray of the neck, which shows the extra rib. Treatment involves rest, neck traction, and sometimes surgical excision of extra rib. Without treatment, symptoms ate slowly progressive, but there is a good result from surgery
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